Teak (Tectona grandis) June 27, 2016 6 0 Teak is one of the finest versatile wood for making door and window frames, its shutters, cabinets, wardrobes, cupboards, panelling, floorings etc. The heartwood is light yellowish brown to golden brown in fresh and brown to dark brown in dry condition. There is a slight variation in colour and grain/texture pattern depending upon the location from which it is collected. Anjili/Ayani (Artocarpus hirsutus) June 17, 2016 9 3 Anjili is one of the traditional wood used extensively for residential, commercial and govt projects. Generally the wood is recommended for making door and window frames and planks. Fresh logs needs kiln seasoning to reduce the moisture levels in and to avoid shrinkage and warping. Heartwood is golden yellow to yellowish brown in colour. Jackwood/Plavu (Artocarpus heterophyllus) June 5, 2016 1 1 Plavu is another traditional wood used extensively for making residential projects. Generally the wood is recommended for making door and window frames, its shutters, furniture etc. Heartwood is yellow to yellowish brown to pinkish brown. Mahagony (Swietenia mahagoni) May 22, 2016 1 0 Mahogany is a commercially important wood prized for its beauty, durability, and color, and used door and window shutter, paneling and to make furniture, boats, musical instruments and other items. Heart wood is reddish-brown coloured. Violet (Peltogyne spp) May 11, 2016 2 0 The wood is commonly used for door and window frames, general carpentry, interior and exterior decoration, furniture, cabinet work, flooring, marquetry, stairways, and luxury coffins. Moisture levels are comparatively higher in violet hence kiln seasoning is generally recommended for planks and scantlings. Heartwood which, when cut, quickly turns from a light brown to a rich purple color. Exposure to light darkens the wood to a brown color with a slight hue of the original purple. Kambakam, Thambakam, Irumbakam (Hopea parviflora) April 29, 2016 1 0 One of the very durable heavy wood generally used for Beams, rafters and trusses in building construction; planks for shipbuilding; tool handles; poles and posts; railway sleepers; cart and carriages etc. Due to heaviness, the wood is used for making elephant cages, Dam shuttering, outdoor furniture and bridges.Eg:- Hanging bridge of Punalur in Kollam district. Rosewood, Eetty (Dalbergia latifolia) April 15, 2016 1 0 One of the best known Indian timber for high class furniture and cabinets, construction of buildings, flush door shutters, Class I plywood tool handles, artificial limbs and rehabiIitation aids, textile mill accessories, chess pieces and musical instruments, engineering instruments, bentwood articles, handicrafts etc. Heartwood is purplish-brown with black or red streaks and uniform coloured. Venga (Pterocarpus marsupium) March 19, 2016 0 0 Very durable wood used in constructional purposes like beams, pillars, door and window frames; boatbuilding; bridge construction; tool handles; poles and posts; railway sleepers; jumping and vaulting stands; lorry bodies; spokes and felloes of cart wheels; cups and vessels for drinking water, as water extract of the wood is believed to be beneficial in diabetes. Sawing not difficult, machining gives a smooth surface. Woos takes good and lasting polish after filling. Nail and screw holding capacity excellent. Kiln seasoning is generally recommended for fresh cut logs.Heartwood golden brown or reddish-brown in colour on exposure to sunlight. Unnam, Chadachi (Grewia tiliifolia) February 12, 2016 1 0 Used for making Agricultural implements, tool handles, constructional purposes like door and window frames, furniture, poles, cross arms and fence posts, railway sleepers, tent accessories, boat and shipbuilding, badminton rackets, clubs, balancing bench, hurdles, cricket stumps and bails, lorry and bus bodies, brushware, cart and carriages etc.Heartwood is reddish-brown with dark streaks. Easy to saw and machine, can be brought to a smooth finish and takes good polish.Chemical impregnation and Kiln seasoning is generally recommended for fresh cut logs.